H\FW Capital Partners, LP is a privately-owned investment partnership founded in 2001 with offices in Houston and Fort Worth, Texas. H\FW Capital Partners, L.P. approached Herring to help them build their brand and web presence.
A Brand New Identity and Website for H\FW Capital

Developing the new identity
H\FW was looking to find investors and tenants for properties in the Houston and Fort Worth areas but had no identity or online presence that could help showcase H\FW’s offerings. John Lydick, one of H\FW Capital’s founders, said that a differentiator for their company is their expertise in the local markets for Houston and Fort Worth. By focusing on these two markets they were able to uncover opportunities specific to the region.

The logotype we created needed to reinforce the idea that this is an offshore drilling venture so we used various visual elements to help reflect this. We added a rule through the logotype to represent a horizon line. We took the horizon line a step further with the “O” and split the letter form into two parts. The top half of the “O” represents the sky while the lower half represents the sea. We also changed the center of the letterform from the traditional circular form to a directional shape (an arrow that is in reference to the name of the company) to show exploration in deepwater regions.

We worked with the client to develop the site structure that best showcased their investments and opportunities to potential investors. The website Herring designed and produced is a fully responsive site built with an open-source CMS, which allows H\FW to update the site as needed and adapt to market needs.