Five Things to Consider in a Mobile Publication


With the proliferation and market adoption of mobile devices there are many opportunities mobile publications can bring to your brand marketing toolkit. Mobile publications can be used for every market and be a very cost effective way to expand your digital strategy and tell your story to an ever growing digital savvy market. Here are 5 things to consider when planning your mobile publication.

  1. Total issue size. It is tempting to add many interactive features, movies and other rich media to your app. But all of these items add up and increase the file size and, in turn, the download time for the end user. There are ways to optimize file sizes and to reduce and eliminate unused data for each element. But the most effective way is to consider the end user and edit your content to the most essential elements to tell or sell your story. If the wait is not worth the perceived content value, your app and content will not be viewed which decreases your ROI.
  1. Analytics. This is very important to track the downloads, device type and other metrics of your app. Keeping a close eye on these metrics will give you insight into your end users and how to improve your publication and user experience in the future. If you see your engagement rate and downloads reducing it may be time to revisit your content, file size, and promotion.
  2. Don’t just think magazine. Your mobile publication can be an internal communication device targeted at deploying information quickly to your employees as a trade show sales tool where they can demonstrate your product or service with variables based on the potential client’s discussion at their fingertips and then gather data on the spot and deliver a personalized follow-up.
  3. Reusable assets. Your app will utilize digital information and rich media that can be repurposed in multiple ways, as well as utilize existing content that has already been completed for a different channel.
  1. Engage the user. You can connect with more than just your rich content. Push notifications, invite feedback, and offer promotions can help cross promote your other publications or events.

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AramcoWorld app is free and available for Apple and Android devices.
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